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Liafaith . Liafaith .

This Isn’t What I Wanted

[ OCTOBER 9, 2019 ]

In two days, I’m turning 26.

As this birthday, that moves me closer to 30 than to 20, approaches I find myself completely overwhelmed by one thought: this isn’t the life that I wanted. 

As a college student, I had a 5 year plan that I had “surrendered” to the Lord… aka informed Him of.  It would have placed me living in LA, recording music and touring all over the world, with a husband and kids as I approach 26. That was what I thought would fulfill me and be what I needed. I thought that that would give me confidence and satisfaction. I thought that would make me happy and useful in the kingdom.

That was the life I wanted.

But that is not the life I have.

If you would have told College Lia about the life she’d be living as she approaches 26 she would have wept  profusely… and that’s not an exaggeration.


But… As I look around at my life, I realize that the goodness of God often looks like His lovingly kind, “No.”

He said, “No” to my plan as I said “YES” to His best.

Did you catch that?

He said, “NO” to my plan as I said “YES” to His best.

When I finally and fully gave Him my “yes” to His best, He immediately started shutting things down all throughout my world. I remember the night I cried out, “I let go- God I want YOUR best.” The very next day, the unhealthy relationship I was forcing came to an abrupt halt. In the weeks to come I found myself without dreams for my life for the first time ever… and the months ahead were filled with heartbreak and feeling completely aimless.

After about a year, slowly but surely things began to come together. Surrender opened my eyes to the kindness of his “no” and the beauty of His “yes” in places I didn’t expect. 

So let me tell you about where His 5 year plan places me: I’ve been a missionary to Las Vegas for three years. I am the Worship Director at, what I think is, the best church ever with a worship/production team that is on fire for the Lord and have become my dearest friends. I have also begun preaching and teaching more frequently. I have the insane honor of being the director of Burn24/7 Las Vegas which is uniting prayer warriors and worshippers across the valley as we declare the worthiness of Jesus here. Joining  Burn24/7 has connected me to a global family of revivalists many of whom that have become mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters in the faith to me. I am the owner of a home that is perfect for gathering people for food, laughter, and worship. I have more ‘family‘ than I ever dreamed I would.

I wouldn’t trade His plan for my old one in a million years. Of course there are things I still cry out to Him for but I’ve found so much joy in the surrender.

So, beloved friends, in the disappointment, in the heartbreak, in the wandering… finally fully surrender. Let your “yes” leave room for His loving “no” and His even greater “yes.” You just might find yourself living His dreams and trust me- they’re just. so. much. better. than you could ever imagine.


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”– Isaiah 55:8-9

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

Proud to Be Desperate

[ JULY 6, 2019 ]

I remember being in 8th grade and I had my first boyfriend. I was so excited! We were about 2 months in and he called me one night and said, “We need to talk.” My sweet little 13 year old heart had no idea that that was code for, “I’m about to dump you.” We talked for a while on the phone as he explained to me why it wasn’t working out and during the duration of the call, my mom came into my room and I quickly clicked mute and told her that he was dumping me. My mom’s response was the same as many mother’s response would be, “I’m so sorry, honey. Don’t let him hear you cry.”

All throughout our lives we are taught many many things all leading to one common goal: independence. Think about it- from day one we are taught how to not need other people and how to make it on our own. (Now don’t get me wrong, if we are totally unable to do anything on our own we end up becoming codependent and suck the life out of the people around us.)

Our culture is obsessed with independence. How can I prove that I can make it on my own? How can I show everyone around me that I don’t need them- I’ve got this! And ladies??? NEVER let a guy think for one second that you need him at all! You are a strong independent woman who don’t need no man!!!

I found myself in a wild season recently. I guess I sang ‘Oceans’ too many times in college because let me tell you- I was out where my trust was without borders. I found myself so incredibly aware that I needed Jesus for every single step. I needed His promises, His presence, His voice, and all that He is in every single step. We always need Him for every step and every breath… but some seasons highlight that need more than others.

When the Lord called me to buy a house, I immediately thought about my relationship status. Was the Lord asking me to be a single woman living as a missionary on financial support… trying to buy a house?? Yes. Yes He was. Scripture talks about Jesus being the Bridegroom and the Church being the Bride… so I told the Lord that I’d need Him to be my husband in this process. But that’s just it- Jesus is the best husband ever. Through the entire process He was right by my side, guiding me and comforting me when the road got rough.

I found my soul in a place I’ve never been before- filled with JOY over my sheer desperation for Jesus. I relied completely on Him in a whole new way and it caused me to know Him in a totally new way. I’m so PROUD to be DESPERATE and utterly dependent on Jesus. I am NOT a strong independent woman who don’t need no man. I am weak in my flesh but made strong in Christ, I am completely dependent on Jesus and I do need Him, my man. 

With joy in my heart, I proudly declare my total desperation for Jesus. I will never find myself having a need that He does not satisfy. When I need a husband- He reminds me that He is forever my Bridegroom (Isaiah 54:5). When I was unsure where I would live, He promises to my safe place (Psalm 46:1).

Lean into desperation today, my friends. Rejoice that you need Him and rejoice all the more that He more than meets every single need that you’ll ever have.

“Jesus, I’m so glad that I’m desperate for you. I will boast in my need for You because you are the great I Am. You satisfy my every need- You are more than enough. I lack NOTHING in You. Remind my heart, soul, and mind that You are all I’ll ever need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

Don’t Miss the Moment

[ JANUARY 25, 2018 ]

I currently live 2,226 miles away from my parents and my childhood home. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life in Vegas and I know I’m right smack dab in the center of God’s will for my life… but I’ve learned something very valuable about the little time I get to spend with my family-

Don’t. Miss. The. Moment.

My parents and brother came to Vegas for Christmas this year and it was honestly the best Christmas ever. My brother played in the band with me for Christmas Eve and I looked out into the congregation to see my parents arms around each other and their candles illuminating their faces as I lead silent night… it was like a dream.

We spent the rest of our time together- together! Not always doing something elaborate or fancy but just enjoying each other. We typically ended our days in a family cuddle puddle on the couch watching a movie together! One night, my mom suggested the movie, “While You Were Sleeping” and for whatever reason, I protested. I hadn’t seen it and just didn’t want to watch an unfamiliar movie. My mom requested it a few more times while she was visiting and each time I had a reason to not watch it. (I’m still really not sure why I did that.) It honestly wasn’t a big deal and we ended up watching other classics that we loved and we moved on from it!

Before I knew it, I was driving my parents to the airport, hugging them goodbye three or four times, saying tearful, “I love you”s, and driving away with an empty car. I’m convinced that saying goodbye to family never gets, easier.

Days later, I found myself scrolling through Netflix dying to find something fun to watch. Nothing. So I gave in and watched, “While You Were Sleeping.” I laughed my head off! My mom was so right- I loved it!

I called my mom that night and cried as I apologized. We could have really enjoyed that movie together. It would have blessed her heart to watch it with me and it would have been even more enjoyable than me watching it alone! My mom has the most infectious laugh and I could have heard it the entire movie!

But I missed the moment.

So… What’s the big deal? It’s just a silly 90’s love story and my mom wasn’t mad at me over it!

The other morning, I woke up, said my good morning to the Lord, grabbed the devotional that I’m working through, and then scrolled through Instagram and Facebook. I had more than enough time to do so and still read through my devo for the day!

But I heard the kind voice of the Father nudge me and say,

“Lia, don’t miss this moment!”

There was an invitation to sit with the Father in the stillness of the morning- before work began, before problems needed solved or fires needed put out… there was an invitation to enjoy just being with Him. Is it sin to scroll through social media? Heck no! Would it have been a sin to have been eating breakfast at that point or working out? No!

But am I filling my life up and missing moments with my Father?

Of course He’s ALWAYS present and active… but am I missing the sweet little moments where I could bless His heart and soak in His laughter and presence?

He’s teaching me something so important in this season:

Don’t trade sitting at His feet for working for Him.

Don’t trade the sweetness of His presence for mere head knowledge and facts about Him.

And don’t trade looking into His eyes and blessing His heart for always seeking a move of His hand.

Don’t miss the moment. ❤️

{{ Endless Alleluia }}

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

A Bed of Despair

[ JANUARY 17, 2018 ]

I arrived at the place a few months ago where I felt absolutely crushed by life. I had shoved myself into being a workaholic, I felt overwhelmed by Sin City, I felt frustrated with people around me, and to be honest? I felt disappointed and frustrated at God.

Bill Johnson says that when we are disappointed with God, we have literally built a case against Him in our hearts… and that was exactly what I had done. I had let things that I believed should have happened or should be happening build up in my heart. Instead of leaning on who the Lord has always been from generation to generation, I sat in my own little pit of despair and I made a bed for myself there.

Sometimes despair feels like a big comfy bed- it’s familiar and it’s easy to just lay in.

When a friend or family member would offer wise words or even scripture to the problem I was pining over on any given day, I would have some rebuttal that, to be honest, wasn’t completely false.

Let me give you an example conversation:

Me: “I’m just so tired of being single and being alone in life.”

Trustworthy and wise friend: “You’re not alone in life! You have a great group of friends who love you and Jesus is always right beside you!”

Me: “Yeah, but at the end of the day, it’s just me. I have to make hard life choices alone and yes I have the Lord but it’s not the same as having someone sitting right beside you.”

I could do this with many other things as well but I think you probably get the point. Was I wrong that I don’t have a partner in life to listen to the Lord on our behalf and help make hard choices? Nope. But I had given myself over to despair- something about giving answers like this felt validating. It was as if I was saying, “No! I’ve decided that God has let me down and you should see that, too!”

Proverbs 1:7 says, ” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. ” 

I was actually tired of people telling me the promises of God because so many of them laid before me unfulfilled and I felt hopeless that they would ever come to pass.

What was the first sin in all of humanity? Was it that Eve disobeyed? Or was it unbelief? “Did God really say you couldn’t eat from this tree?” (Genesis 3:1)

Unbelief slithers into our hearts and minds and it breeds bitterness and disappointment which lead to anger and despair.

All of this can change in one moment when we remember that everything we believe about God, ourselves, and this life has to flow from one fact: He’s our good Father.

Everything Jesus said was purposeful; not one word He spoke was unintentionally said. When the disciples asked Him how we should pray, He didn’t start with, “Oh sovereign, all consuming fire,” or “Oh, One who opposes the proud,” or even “Oh, Provider and Healer”- no, He starts with, “Our Father.” Everything else flows from that place.

He’s a present, active, kindhearted, loving, and all together good Father. 

What if we believed that was true?

What if, in my pit of self pity and despair I chose to believe my Father is who He says He is and that He will always do what He say’s He’s going to do?

“He who did not spare his own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
– Romans 8:32

He willingly gave His Son’s life for me and I’ve convinced myself that He doesn’t care that it’s a desire of my heart to be a wife and a mom someday?

He willingly gave His Son’s life for the city of Las Vegas yet I’ve convinced myself I need to work myself into the ground to see it transformed because it isn’t happening on my time table?

He willingly gave His Son’s life for YOU yet you’ve convinced yourself that He won’t come through for you? That He doesn’t know your heart? Or worse- that He knows your heart and just doesn’t care?

Oh, dear friends, what if we believed He is who He says He is?

What if we believed that WE are who He says we are?

Fully known and deeply loved Sons and Daughters.

It changes everything.

Despair has no place in the life of a Child of God.

So, my dear friends, I implore you to ask the Lord if there is hopelessness, despair, or unbelief in your heart. This can be so humbling and hard to even ask if pride is in the way but let Him reveal any bit of it that you have in your heart! (Don’t be afraid- Remember, He’s gentle and kind.) Then repent of it and ask Him to fill you with faith!

“I believe; help my unbelief!”
- Mark 9:24

Lastly, ask Him to show you who He truly is- His very nature and heartbeat, and who He says you are. I advise writing down what He speaks to you- His thoughts about you are better than you think they are!

He loves you.

He loves you.

He loves you.

He loves you.

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

When Jesus Speaks Through a Harry Potter Puzzle

[ DECEMBER 14, 2017 ]


This past weekend I was given an early Christmas present- a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone PUZZLE! I was absolutely delighted and began working on it as quickly as I could- obviously!  😉

My stress level has been through the roof lately so I was excited to have something to do that was ‘productive’ but relaxing.


As I began to get lost in the world of puzzling while humming “Hedwig’s Theme” to myself, the Lord began to speak to me.

There were several times that I would pick up a piece of my puzzle and think, “I know EXACTLY where this one must go!” and try and fit it right where I had an open space. Much to my surprise- I was wrong several times! And several times, I wanted to just shove it into the space and make it fit.

Other times, I would put a piece down, and it would fit and I would move on only to realize later that although it fit, it was not the perfect fit. It looked okay and the parts lined up, but it messed up the rest of the puzzle.

I got to the point a few times where I would pick up a piece that looked like maybe it was from another puz

zle and think about not even trying to get it to fit only to find that when I took the ‘risk’ of placing it somewhere- it was a perfect match.


The Lord, who loves to use the funniest things to teach us, nudged me in these moments. He showed me that this puzzle was much like my life, except I don’t have a picture to

help me figure out where all the pieces go- HE DOES.

So often, I feel a need, a missing piece, in my life and I search and search to try to figure out what goes there. Often times, I think I find something that looks and even feels like the right fit and I try to cram it and shove it around to make it be what I was looking for… but it just isn’t.

Other times, it fits just fine… but it isn’t the best fit for my life and it will affect the rest of my life in a way that it should not.


And then there are times when something comes along that doesn’t seem right at all or doesn’t seem like it’s worth the risk but if we don’t take the risk we could be missing out on the absolute best fit for us.

Wether the missing piece is a job, a spouse, an apartment, a university, or whatever it may be- wait for God’s best.

Don’t try to make something work that clearly isn’t meant for you.

Don’t be deceived by things that seem to be good but aren’t His best.

And don’t let past ‘failure’ or ‘rejection’ stop you from continually seeking out His best. 


He has something for you that will make everything line up in ways that you can’t imagine right now! He knows what the puzzle will look like in the end and how it will all fit together- perfectly.

Hold on to that while you’re in the waiting.

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts and my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. Or just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

Carrie Underwood Was Wrong

[ JUNE 30, 2017 ]

In a world where everything is acceptable as long as it makes you happy, our vision can become clouded and it can become harder to see what is not only “right” for us to do but also what is best for us.


Let me preface this blog by saying, I am not talking about homosexuality so don’t get excited or in a tizzy. But if that’s not what I’m talking about, what am  I talking about, you ask?

If someone hurts you, don’t you have a right to be bitter or angry or even hate them?

When we put it like that, it does sound silly, and a bit obvious, but most times, it isn’t that clear.

Here was my situation:

I got my heart broken. Neither of us were perfect, we both did things we shouldn’t have,   but in the end, I got hurt pretty badly. He and I  went from talking almost daily and basically being best friends, to not talking for eight months. In those eight months, any time his name came up in conversation, I found myself rolling my eyes or making a small snide comment. When people asked what had happened between the two of us, I played him as the villain and I was the poor little damsel in more distress than ever. But, I woke up, almost daily for months, and told the Lord that I had forgiven this guy. But as I moved through the stages of grief, I settled on anger. I had been wronged and I had a right to be angry about it.

Carrie Underwood tells me I should go smash his truck to pieces, right?

Miranda Lambert thinks I should go burn his house down!

Endless pop stars would tell me to go find someone better to flaunt in his face.

The list could go on and on and on.

But the point of all of those songs is that I have a right to anger and bitterness and hatred. Not only do I have a right, but it’s almost my duty as a woman. A guy hurts you and you better assert your feminist power all over the place, right!? Even in Christian circles we hear things like this all the time!

I was sitting one day, after talking to several pastors about how I realized I might possibly still have had some bitterness towards said guy, and I was just processing the entire thing. I found myself stunned by what was actually in my heart. (Sometimes I think we forget that we were wicked before Christ and He’s still sanctifying us.) I found myself thinking about how I deserved to be angry… and he deserved to pay somehow for how much he had hurt me.

And, honestly, all I meant by that was that he didn’t deserve my forgiveness. Somehow, in my heart, I decided that my bitterness was causing him some kind of pain. But that’s just the thing about bitterness- it typically only affects one person.. the bitter person!

As I realized my own thoughts that had been burried deep down in the basement of my heart, the small voice of the Spirit came to me in love and spoke to my heart,  “Lia, you deserved  the cross. You deserved hell. You deserved to pay for your sins. But Jesus paid for all of that for you. ”

The Spirit then reminded me of a quote that I once loved but had long since forgotten,

“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” – C.S. Lewis

My sins nailed Jesus to the cross but I couldn’t forgive a boy,  someone who once was a very good friend, for breaking my heart?

I felt an incredible sense of urgency and I called him as quickly as I could. I then left the world’s most awkward voicemail, sat shaking for a moment, and then my phone rang.

So what do you say to a guy you haven’t spoken to in so long? How do you start a conversation like this?

A very wise friend of mine, who is also my boss and pastor, Chris Marlin, told me that I needed to apologize to this guy as well as forgive him- I had harbored anger and bitterness for 8 months and it was sinful for me to do so. He advised that I start off the entire conversation by apologizing for those things and in that moment that was exactly what I wanted to do.  (Although when he initially told me to do that, I basically through a little diva fit about how all I had done wrong was “care too much!” 😂 The Holy Spirit definitely gave Chris the grace not to throw something at me for being an entitled princess and me the grace to realize that I was in sin.)

So that’s exactly what I did and it was not at all easy but it did open up the conversation. He explained a lot of things to me and I asked him a lot of hard questions and stood firm on needing answers. In the end of it all, it went better than I ever had anticipated; he apologized for how he had hurt me.

It was like I was outside of time for a moment.

I let those words settle in my heart like the ground after an earthquake.

Took in a deep breath,

and I said what only the Holy Spirit could give me the grace to say and truly mean,

“I forgive you.”

It felt like I had been holding my breathe underwater for the last 8 months and I had finally come up for air. I could finally breathe again. I had no idea how much bitterness had been affecting me. I had no idea how much energy it had been draining from me.

There is  F R E E D O M   in forgiveness.

The cross says that loud and clear! To be like Christ, we have to be like Him in the way He forgives. Remember that one time He forgave the people literally nailing Him to the cross? They didn’t deserve that, but that’s the love of our Jesus.

No one deserved forgiveness from a holy and perfect God but Jesus chose to take what we did deserve and offer us TOTAL forgiveness and TOTAL freedom.

How can we not do the same for others?

So, if you’re where I was and you’re holding on to bitterness for dear life, I emplore you to forgive.

On the other side of bitterness and anger is freedom and peace.

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

Unity in the Church

[May 1st, 2017]

I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another. By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you love one another, if you keep on showing love among yourselves.John 13:34-35

The past few weeks, I've had the opportunity to see and experience something absolutely incredible and beautiful. I've seen what church unity can/should look like and just how healthy  it is for the Body of Christ.

As many of you know, Grace City is about 4 years old and although I tend to feel that we're the greatest church ever, we know that we have a lot to learn. A few weeks ago, five Grace City staff members and I went to California to interview other church's, ask them questions, and learn from them.

It was an absolutely fantastic trip- we had a blast and learned a  TON. We met with five different churches who do things very differently from each other but the love and excitement that they met us with was the same across the board. They shared different methods they use to connect newcomers, different ways to run small groups, and so much more- but they all welcomed us as family as they shared with us. There was never a sense of competition nor a feeling that they were hiding their "tricks" from us. They all were excited about what we're doing in Vegas and prayed for us as we left their churches.

As awesome as our Cali trip was, even more eye opening was Easter weekend.

Grace City partnered with another church in town called Walk Church for two of our events that weekend. Walk Church meets a quarter of a mile away from us on Sunday mornings. On Good Friday, we had a combined worship night with both worship teams leading and both pastors speaking. It was an amazing and powerful night of remembering the cross.

The next day, we came together again for an Easter Extravaganza in the park near our churches and over 780 people were in attendance. We invited people to visit either of our churches for Easter Sunday, remembering that our own personal church's growth is not nearly as important as lost people going to church and hearing The Gospel. 


I was standing in the middle of the park that day thanking the Lord for all that He was doing and I had a quiet little moment where my heart was overwhelmed by one small thought,

"It's so healthy for us to be together."

We were meant  to be together. The Body of Christ was never meant to look like Dunkin' Donuts vs. Starbucks- constantly trying to be better than each other, constantly trying to outdo one another, and steal customers.

When it's not about growing a business but about seeing lost people saved, the Church is who she was made to be.

I believe that when churches unify, we will see number of church transfers drop and unchurched people reached. This, I believe, is key to revival and key to seeing a city, a state, a generation, and a nation transformed by the power of the Gospel.

Let's join together in praying for the churches in America to unite together to move in Spirit and in truth and to see this nation and the world changed. 

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Liafaith . Liafaith .

When the Past and Present Collide… (and it hurts)

{ MARCH 15, 2017 }

It’s interesting. We live in a time when we are often told not to dwell on the past or to know that our past does not define us. We’re told to learn from it and move on.

But we aren’t told what to do when the past and present collide.

When I was in high school I developed an eating disorder and struggled with self-worth and anxiety for years.  As a result I struggled with shame- people would constantly say things like, “well you know that your identity is supposed to be in Christ…!” or ” don’t you believe what the Lord says about you??” or “why can’t you just rest in the Lord!?”

Sadly, many in the Church see eating disorders, anxiety issues, depression, or any mental health issue as a lack of faith. (Now I will say this- I do believe that these issues can be a number of things that absolutely include chemical imbalances and possibly genetics but I also do believe that the enemy can cause people to suffer with these things as well. I don’t think we can say it’s absolutely always one or the other.)

The past few months have been harder than previous ones here in Vegas. My grandmother recently passed away, my car was broken into and my guitar was stolen out of it, I worked with refugees in France, and to be totally honest, being a single woman in ministry can be rather challenging.

As much as we love to remind each other that the Father knows us, we forget that the Liar does, too. Not as well of course and it’s a completely different knowing, but he knows the right buttons to push in my heart and mind. He knows how to tell me lies that sound like they just might be true. So anxiety and insecurity began to fill my being. Because YES I am a new creation in Christ and He is doing so much healing work in my life… but that doesn’t mean the devil has any new lies to tell me. It’s the same old junk that got me eight years ago.

So why am I writing this? For attention and pity? For you to tell me that I’m pretty and that I wont be single forever? Nope. I’m writing this because maybe someone, somewhere, needs to know that they don’t need to feel shame or guilt for their pain or struggle with body image, anxiety, depression or any mental health issue. Maybe you need to know that if you fall back into the lies that you thought you overcame, there is SO. MUCH. GRACE. 

It’s amazing just how much grace there is.

So, what do we do when the past and present collide?

Here are my thoughts:

First– Receive grace from the Father. Take a moment and just take it in. The Father isn’t angry with you. His heart aches for you to know and believe the truth, to overcome the lies, and to walk in healing and freedom… but He isn’t angry with you.

Second- Give yourself grace. Resist the thoughts that say, “I shouldn’t still be struggling with this.”  You’re a human. Being a human is hard and it’s okay to fall and break and struggle. Give yourself grace.

Third- Rest and take care of yourself. With re-struggling with some of these issues, I’ve found it so important to ask the hard question of,  “What’s actually the healthiest thing for me to do right now?” I had to squash my F.O.M.O. (Fear Of Missing Out) and stay home the other evening because I knew it would benefit my mental health over a night out with my friends. I’ve honestly found meditation to be incredible helpful, also.  Just being still before the Lord, quieting my mind before Him. (I highly recommend this app if you want to begin guided meditation- https://www.headspace.com and don’t worry, it isn’t some weird new age religion thing. It’s just about quieting the mind. I pray before I meditate and invite the Lord to come and quite my soul before Himself.)

Fourth- Lastly, don’t isolate yourself. Satan loves it when we isolate ourselves- he can lie to us the easiest when we don’t have others speaking truth into our lives. Having people to help me battle the lies has put me further ahead of the game than ever before. Give people the chance to show you what they see when they look at you and at your situation. It’ll be well worth it.

Also, don’t be afraid to seek out professional help. I am currently working with the counselor who helped me with these issues back in high school and she has been an incredible help to me. Why there is such a bad stigma of therapy, I’ll never know. It doesn’t mean you’re crazy or extra broken or anything bad- sometimes we just need someone to help us sort through our own head who actually knows how to do so.

Seasons come and go- this one will too. Winter is long, but spring is coming. But winter may come again… but next time, we’ll be even more prepared for it when it does.

“For He has said, ‘I will never under any circumstances desert you nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless, nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you! No, never'”- Hebrews 13:5

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