{ MAY 31, 2016 }
Wow! I cannot believe that I am finally in Las Vegas! The Lord is so faithful! My heart is so full.
I arrived just a few days ago and have moved into a house with two incredible ladies from Grace City, Michelle and Kelsey! They have been so welcoming its been such a great start to this adventure!
I want to say, “THANK YOU!” to everyone who is supporting me, in prayer and in finance. Your sacrifice of love is what got me here and I could never thank you enough. Thank you for not being okay with status of this city! Thank you for standing with me in believing that the Lord has great love for Sin City and will chase after her people. Thank you for praying with me for the floodgates of heaven to open up and for the Spirit to bring revival to this dry place. Thank you for loving me and believing in the dreams that Christ has put in my heart. To go is one thing to be sent is another.
As I am here, please continue to pray:
That the Holy Spirit washes over this city, that revival will come, and that salvation would come to the people here
Against attacks of the enemy on me and all of Grace City
That signs and wonders will follow us
Against burn out and discouragement
For growth and unity within our Body
For Christ to be glorified in everything that we do
Once again THANK YOU. When the Body of Christ comes together in faith and prays, we see mountains move.
May joy and peace fall thick all around you and your family.