I Thought My Home Would Be Bursting By Now…
It’s early; the sun has just risen over the mountains, flooding my front room with warm morning light. The light pours in; the gentlest wake up my home could hope for.
My home is quiet. It’s absent of the sounds I anticipated that would fill it by now. There are no sleepy little feet shuffling about, no babies cooing. The deepest voice in the house will be my own raspy morning voice when my coffee finally fills me with the energy to speak. There is no one to make coffee for- no lover to kiss on his way out the door.
I thought my home would be bursting at the seems with life and with love from a family by now. But as the morning light kisses my sleepy cheeks, I feel an assuredness deep in my soul; my home is, indeed, filled with life and truly is bursting at the seems with love.
The sounds that I had hoped for are exchanged for the sound of stillness- the promise of peace, the words of Yeshua flood my being. Its not the tsunami wave I thought it would be but the slow rising of a well that knows no end. It’s not the wildness of the ocean but the stillness of a river.
Is His presence enough to fill my home? Can I greet the morning, gazing into His eyes alone and know that that is greater than my wildest dreams? Indeed, there is no greater good.
I don’t know if babies are coming. I don’t know that the word ‘bride’ will ever be my title outside of my covenant with Yeshua. But I do know this: my life is full and bursting at the seems; nothing lacking, nothing missing.
Yes and amen.